a gamer/programmer wannabe

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

2nd day: Journalism Workshop

We started an hour later than usual as Suzanne was busy at work. While waiting for her, the students chat with each other. I got to know Will.I.Am, Venga, Ash, Sandra and many more. All of them had a bubbly character and it was fun interacting with them.

We started with learning to use more of active voice than passive voice. Active voice gives the "omph" factor which attract viewers attention. She taught us to reduce the usage of cliché words. For e.g. "smooth as silk, raining cats and dogs, an apple a day and etc" People will be bored listening to these words.

As I have mentioned in my previous post, journalists writes factual account and not a narrative account stories. For e.g. the hour-glass singer is..... instead the word to use is "the slim singer" Keep it direct.

There are differences between the factual contents of visual and print media. For e.g.

visual media

  • all mothers will get a baby bonus.
print media

  • 30 years old mothers will get $200 baby bonus while a 20 year old mother will get $300**

As you can see, the term "mothers" is broad based as it approached mother's of all ages. There is a limit where visual media can supply information.

We were also taught the difference between straight and feature news. Straight news such as political and business news. Feature news are not important but insightful if highlighted. For e.g. drinking beer during world cup will increase blood pressure**. Since world cup is near, this may keep supporters informed of the consequences of binging.

There are so many things that are not highlighted here. i try my best to recap what I have learn and share with others.

At the end of class, we were taught qualities and factors to be a good journalist. I shall end here now.

** this sentence is created and not for real.



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